MD Films and artists join this important social issues campaign with donations of 10% to UNICEF and Dubai Cares to speak out against all forms of abuse with a special set of videos, released as NFTs on the Rarible platform.
MD Films, a film production company, is speaking out against physical, emotional, sexual or financial domestic violence and abuse with a series of nine “Unlock Secrets” videos presented as NFTs and unveiled weekly.
These NFTs are being launched on the
Rarible blockchain platform and are available for immediate purchase. Showcasing its block of anti abuse-related videos at the charity foundation for ‘Education in Emergencies,’
MD Films says it is donating 10% of the proceeds of “Unlock Secrets” sales to the
UNICEF Child protection and the
Dubai Cares Education in Emergency charity programs. The inspiration to create this series of videos was to send a message that the way to free oneself from an abusive situation is to speak out and Unlock Secrets.
Every minute, we're reminded that twenty people are physically
abused by an intimate partner in the United States. In most cases, victims of domestic abuse don’t call the police, don’t share it with anyone, and never speak out against it. Millions of children, women and men with impacts such as injury, fearfulness and post-traumatic stress disorder use victim services with a range of consequences. World statistics are even more frightening.
According to the United Nations, one in three women worldwide experience physical or sexual violence mostly by an intimate partner. The issue became especially visible during C-19 and the lockdown.
“We strive to use the influx of digital life as an opportunity to have our impact on ending abuse and violence. We aspire to use the possibilities NFT art provides to address the topic of abuse, which is extremely important to us,” says
Maria Danke, the company’s founder.
The first step to preventing abuse in society lies in the ability to talk about it,” Maria continues. “Ask for help when you feel violated, talk with loved ones to determine whether it is your perception or reality, and offer help to those in need, even strangers; еven if the situation looks “picture perfect”, but you have the feeling that something is wrong. Talking is imperative!”
MD Films explains that it "takes this stance against domestic abuse as it strongly believes that abuse should be eradicated from modern society, and that speaking out against it is the first step. Based on thorough research, the series “Unlock Secrets” not only shows the most frequently used phrases by abusers, but also teaches victims the recommended answers for such situations."
Danke adds: "With the release of these series showing fragments of violent scenes and suffering that very unfortunately many humans go through daily, MD Films encourages victims to raise their voices and fight violence in all its forms! Together we can make a difference and free society from abusers of all kinds!”
Three videos have already launched, with four new videos to be added this week, with nine in total to be released before the end of July.
Here is a teaser, with the other videos below: Video 1: “All the secrets come out”
It is incredibly difficult to deal with sexual abuse, because sexual violence can have psychological, emotional, and quite often physical effects on a survivor. The final scene of opening the window symbolizes a breath of fresh air and a new beginning. In other words, the courage to reveal the secret and seek liberation from an abuser. Moreover, it is critical to understand that no form of abuse exists separately - there is no physical abuse without psychological abuse, and economic abuse is often accompanied by sexual abuse.
An abuser says: That will be our secret.
The answer? All the secrets come out.
Video 2: “The truth will come out”
This video’s images symbolize the victim's broken body and damaged soul, but the final scene contains harmony because silence is broken, with all past secrets exposed, thus bringing tranquility and peace. Abusers will test the waters, but if you put up any sort of resistance, they will generally back off. That said, getting out of an abusive relationship is never easy. It is even harder when a person has been isolated from family and friends, psychologically beaten down, financially controlled, and physically threatened. Nevertheless, everyone deserves to live, free of fear, battery and abuse.
An abuser says: No one will believe you.
The Answer? The truth will come out.
Video 3: “You can pay, but I am not for sale”
This is a story about young women that are bought for sex. It shows the financial abuse when a perpetrator uses financial manipulations that limit and control young women’s current and future actions, and their freedom of choice. Due in part to the shame and secrecy associated with such abuses of power and money, it is hard to know how extensive the problem really is. With this video, we want to emphasize that everyone can be independent, get an education, find a job, and succeed.
An abuser says: Who pays is in charge.
The answer? You can pay, but I am not for sale.
Video 4: “Love creates, not destroys”
According to estimates published by the WHO, approximately one in every three women (30%) in the world is subjected to intimate partner sexual violence during her lifetime. Often, these women are also victims of psychological, physical, and economic abuse. They have nowhere to go, no one to tell, and society leaves them alone with the problem. It can't go on like this, and we can't stand by. Everyone must have a voice, and we have a responsibility to listen. This is the only way we can change the world and create a society without abusive behavior, because love creates and does not destroy.
An abuser says: No rape, only love.
The answer? Love creates, not destroys.
Video 5: “The consequences will be terrible, but the truth will be mine”
This story is about men being emotionally abused by women who threaten to cause damage to their fetus, and declare that it was the man who harmed the unborn child. It is emotional blackmail when a woman is a manipulator who uses fear, guilt, or obligation to get what she wants.
An abuser says: I’ll tell everyone that you did it.
The answer? The consequences will be terrible, but the truth will be mine.
Video 6: “It’s nobody’s fault”
Physical abuse is perhaps the most common type of abuse in the world. Even today, in some countries, wife-beating by a husband is still considered the norm and is even encouraged. A sense of security is gone from life, and the person feels cornered. Often, abusers will justify themselves with uncontrollable instincts, blaming the victim for the provocation. But a man has no right to cover his own aggressive behavior with his animal nature, for we are not animals.
An abuser says: That’s your fault.
The answer? It’s nobody’s fault.
Video 7: Not at the cost of my health
This video is related to abuse in sports. Unfortunately, athletic environments can create opportunities for the abuse of children and adolescents at many levels, involving not only direct contact, but also negligence regarding athlete safety (e.g., forced or inappropriate training loads and exertion). A recent
study from the United Kingdom reported that 75% of young athletes in organized sports experienced psychological, emotional and physical abuse. Endangering the health of young athletes creates problems such as eating disorders, overuse injuries, and the hazards of abusing performance-enhancing drugs. There has been a steady increase in the number of overuse injuries caused when adults push young athletes too hard or too far in training. No winning, no trophy, no medal or national championship is worth destroying the health of even a single child.
The abuser says: Victory at any cost.
The answer? Not at the cost of my health.
Video 8: “Everyone has their own power”
At some point, the victim loses faith that her voice will be heard while being subjected to systematic violence. It is hard to believe in your own strength when you are pinned against the wall and cannot move - and that's exactly how abused people feel. But physical superiority isn't everything if we hear the pleas for help and stop walking by. Our goal is to turn up the volume of these voices, to show that society is on their side and is ready to help.
An abuser says: I’m stronger than you.
The answer? Everyone has their own power.
Video 9: “I’ve always been myself”
Victims of psychological abuse are often led to believe that they cannot do anything themselves. The abuser gaslights them into believing they are unable to control their own lives. He uses the living person as a puppet, telling them what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. As a result, the victim turns from a free person into a hostage without the right to choose, and fear leaves no possibility of ending the relationship. We intend to break this cycle, as we are convinced that this attitude is unacceptable in today's society. Remember, each of us is living our own lives, and no one has the right to take away this opportunity.
An abuser says: You’re nothing without me.
The answer? I’ve always been myself.
Three unique NFT videos from the “Unlock Secrets” series are already available, with the rest to become available from now until the 30th of July, 2021 on the
Rarible platform. The prices for videos range from 2 to 9 ETH.
About the Director
Maria Danke was born in Kyiv, Ukraine. She is a member of the Writers' Union of Ukraine, and studied at the Film Academy in Los Angeles, USA. She has been working as a film director and producer for European and Middle East companies for over 10 years.
Maria has been nominated for 23 International Film Awards, at, for example, the Berlin Fashion Film Festival; IN THE PALACE Academy Award®/Oscar® qualifying festival; ROME FILM AWARDS, and the Chicago Fashion Film Festival.
Maria is also the founder of the MD Films production company, and has worked with Bvlgari, Cartier, Nestle and Palmers, among others. More information
is here.
Danke states: “Cinematography is a great honor for me. I love shooting, because every day you work on your better self, and sometimes it’s still a hugely exciting challenge.’’
Cinematography and awards:
- Fashion film “8”: Rome Film Awards; Berlin Fashion Film Festival; GALA del CINEMA INTERNAZIONALE Venezia; Cineplay film awards; Sarajevo Fashion Film Festival.
- Film “Art of Being”: Fashion Film Festival Chicago
- Film "Trick": The Lift-Off Sessions; 17th in the Palace International Short Film Festival Academy Awards... and many others.